Cablechip Solutions

web development with Unix, Perl, Javascript, HTML and web services

Website Advertising

Helping you generate income from Affiliate Programs

Help, advice, and configuration of the popular web configuration programs

It is helpful for your website? It depends on:


Link to specific products on Amaazon, for example, the list of Perl books below. Earnings are about 5% of sales, but up to 10% for very large websites

Affiliate Windows

This progran lets you choose from a list of advertisers. You earn a commission on sales. An example is the National Trust. Click below, join the NT, and I'll earn some money.

Google Adsense

This is the big daddy for website owners.

Paying to Advertise on other People's Website

The big daddy for advertisers is Google's Adwords program.

Paying to Advertise on other People's Website